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Patch for Quest Expansions and AYOP


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I keep encountering a bug that occurs between the three mods: the at your own pace mod, JaySerpa’s quest expansion(s) and the TNF Skyrim House Remodels mod. 
I know for sure because I only had these two mods and that TNF mod enabled at once during a test playthrough. 
The bug that occurs dictates that: Whenever I become Thane of Whiterun, and go to Proventus the Steward to buy the (modified) house, plus all the decorations, it never properly gives the dialogue option to expand the house by adding the child’s room. By “properly”, as in it does actually give the options, but the price of the house is changed to 100000G. 
Also, when choosing the dialogue option to add the child’s room, nothing changes. 
The would-be room is empty. 
Would someone mind looking into this, and see if there is anything in the mods that change the price in Breezehome? It really would be nice if I could improvise the houses of Skyrim while at the same time “going at my own pace”. 
Thanks in advance. 

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