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Game won’t launch w/ DBVO voice pack


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Ok so I installed the vampire voice pack for DBVO and now the game will not launch. I went through and disabled the voice pack and after that the game launched and ran without any issues but of course I was unable to have any voice options. I installed all the patches for the voice pack for other months that I have installed. I also tried two other voice packs with the same issue is there anything that I could be missing or can do to fix this? 

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Some of the DBVO packs for some of the DBVO personas will break the game if installed. From what I recall back when I was first trying DBVO, it has to do with how a series of voice pack files are named.

When I first tried DBVO, I installed a pack for  the "Bella" voice. If The Reach  pack was included, the game crashed. Same for another pack I tried. Installing without  oont voila! ,  DBVO works

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