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Giant Boobs in Future Games


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It seems obvious from the Screenshots on the Nexus page and their endorsements, that game players love giant boobs.  If Bethesda clued into this, do you think they might design all future female NPCs with giant boobs?  Give the customers what they want.

Bet some players are still waiting for boobs on Molerats! (Don't ask, that is part of Fallout 3 development history).


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With all due respect, which customers do you mean? 

Because speaking for myself, as a man, who has touched lots of real boobs of all sizes, and who prefers women with "smaller" boobs, I have to disagree with your premise.

As to why (personally) there's an old adage I learned when I was young. More than a handful is a waist full. And at least in real life, and with very very few exceptions, it applies, at least from women I've known passing through my teenage, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, and now into my mid 60s.

I doubt I'm alone in this, irrespective of the popular mod offerings, not to mention the overall increase in women buying and playing games in your younger generations.

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Not a fan of thick thighs or butts myself, but I do prefer shapely 😉

Not that I'm all that picky. Pretty face, nice smile, actual femininity, right attitude goes way further for me than a 36/23/36

In any case, we all have our own ideals, so good for you!

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