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Distorted zoom out camera glitch randomly- anyone experience this?


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Anyone encounter this before? I have had this distored camera glitch trigger a few times recently, in completely different areas at random times. I did download some new mods today, but had this glitch happen last week so don't believe it is anything from today. I just disabled my only camera mod, which did not help.

The glitch doesn't happen when I'm zooming in or out, it just occurs and then I'm still able to zoom but everything is distorted like in the images shown here. I haven't found a way to fix it yet. The only way is to load a previous save prior to the glitch taking effect, but that would mean losing progress.


Current modlist:


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when in tfc mode, (that is, when in "tfc" mode as activated by other mods) if FreeFlyCam is activated, the mouse wheel acts as an FOV control rather than the more normal mousewheel camera position changer, which can lead to a fish eye or tunnel vision sort of thing..

When this occurs, do the Q and E keys cause the camera view to roll? (an overt symptom of freeflycam being active)


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Unfortunately no. The tunnel vision doesn't start due to scrolling the mouse wheel either. It'll just all of a sudden go into tunnel vision mode and mouse wheel only zooms in or out. Q and E do nothing, I can run around like normal as well, just gives me a GIANT headache lol.


I will investigate further though. Is there a way to turn off FreeFly if it is on?

Edited by kcanda
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not afaik. If it was on, you'd have camera roll controls, and mousewheel would work while in free camera view

IF you have another camera mod installed, check its FOV setting. If not, you can set it from console

> FOV 'a number between 0 and 100'

default is around 70 or 80, I think



1) when activated, FreeFly initializes to the current fov and requires mouse wheel change to experience a change in the FOV from your default.

2) IFF FreeFLyCam is active, the "R"  key resets camera roll, might reset the warped zoom too. That, or dodge back out to 3rtd person and back in I believe that resets it too.

Again only IFF freeflycam is active. And you suggested that you do not in fact experience any of the utility's functions while the tunnelvision occurs, so I doubt it's that. Probably just a bummed fov setting

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