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Skyrim SE Crash


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Have you tried loading an ealrier save to see if it behaves the same? For this experiment, I'd suggest going back to when you know you were NOT experiencing this issue. It won't affect your game to check, just load an old save, leave the payer just standing there or walking around the cell in which you are), then see if it crashes. if so, the problem is "global" if not, it may just be a "broken" savefile (even IF it actually loads). They do happen from time to time. Some bug/glitch/demonicforce happens during  gameplay, we save, not knowing there's anything wrong, and then find the save is crap when we try to load it. Often it results in the saved game crashing before you even load, other times it loads but the system has an intrinsic breakage that ends with a ctd or freeze, or even a ctd on executing a new save

I'd comment on your pastebin, but all I see is open cities as a possibility and I know nothing about open cities.

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