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Can it be done with the Skryim/SKSE framework?


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So lately, being the "bum" retiree I've become since retiring, I've been watching a lot of YT or yt like content. And even more recently, I stumbled onto the flood of Chinese (possibly others but mainly them) Anime series, Perfect World, Battle Through the Heavens, Soul Land, Martial Universe, etc, which I have consumed with a vengeance over the past several weeks during the extend (retired remember) holiday. (tbh, I'm almost ashamed to note how many hours I've watched...or maybe proud lol)

They seem to have used a game framework like Skyrim (or maybe it's just the underpinning tech idk) to produce  these videos, at least based on certain things I see, the way characters are modeled, the SMP-like movements of garments, and some other less identifiable but still visually palpable elements of the world model.

it's just overall richer, more intricate, and more refined in some sense (and frankly, less in others) 

Could Skyrim be practically pushed to that level on a contemporary (and affordable) gaming system?


PS. just so we're clear, I'm not talking about the magics system nor their Taoist/Daoist/etc bent., that's a whole 'nother subject

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