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Walls of text vs spoiler embedding


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Just a gentle reminder to those who dump walls of text into posts that there is a spoiler tag (defined by the eyeball icon in the text editor's controls toward the right end of the group you see when writing a message), that is a far more suitable dumping ground for lengthy load lists, mod lists, and log output, than the front face of a posting.

Using the spoiler tag for such content makes your posts far more readable. It makes the nitty gritty details a reference one can view optionally, rather than reading a nebulous title, then having to wade through pages and pages of code text or mod or plugin names, to find the last sentence...  "muh game don't work no more... Hows comes?"



Oh, and PS> for the dev team, a quick thanks for moving the spoiler tag to the editor's "front face" to make it more obvious and available.

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