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Pressing tab brings up unknown menu


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I run my game with aprox. 36 mods and I got it to run after the recent update. So I started playing and pressed tab, as you do, and these menus popped up. I can't really figure out which mod it is. I've done some troubleshooting, but maybe some of you figures it out faster than me. Have someone other than me seen this and maybe know what causes it?

Nvm "Complete Widescreen Fix for Vanilla and SkyUI" caused it.



Edited by Balkongluffarn
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AT a guess, you installed a mod that by default sets its hotkey to the tab key. For me that results in several possibilities.

1) shared - It opens both menus/content (both processes assigned to the tab key are still triggered by using the hotkey)

2) exclusive - It "steals" the original tab assignment

3) confused - sometimes it opens one, sometimes it opens the other

I've experienced all of them from various new hotkey assignments (ie new mods added), including the tab key and many others

Check your MCM's, and Skyrim config (settings) for hotkey assignment duplications.

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