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Looking for talented people for a world space project


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The project is called "Al Metra". Taking place on a remote uncharted island in the Sea of Pearls just off the coast of Yokuda and Hammerfell. The island was once desolate and empty, but a new band of Redguard, Khajitti, and Breton brigands have made this place home bringing with them a mixed culture and mixed political ideas.

The DB is sent to the island by a rich Imperial entrepreneur who wishes to scavenge the island for all its gold ore deposits to sell back to the Imperial Military in Cyrodiil. When you arrive, you'll find the island looks innocent enough, but soon you'll be succumbing to many trials and find that the island holds more secrets than what meets the eye.

As the title suggests I am looking for talented creators to join me in making the world become a reality. I have been working on this project for 2 months, about 6 weeks of that spent in the planning stages. I myself am talented with the CK having been using it since 2017, and this is actually my 5th world space project, but with your help this can be the first one published!

I looking for, more specifically, Voice Actors/Actresses, Dungeon designers, Quest designers and people good with papyrus scripting.

Edited by Egyptianubis
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