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Vlad 254's Skyrim 10th Anniversery Load Order Guide


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Hello all, for the last couple days now I have been following a SSE guide on Steam by Vlad 254. After working through it for a couple days it is now hidden and I am in the middle of it. The guide required me to download the alternative start mod from Aurthmoor's website, but after hours of trying to meet the world trivia security questions I gave up and sent an email about it. I got no reply and the next day the guide is gone. I started my adventures in modding some years ago, but covid, family illnesses, and some funerals took my free time for some time now. Before I had an account on Aurthmoor's site too.

Does anyone know how to contact Vlad 254 to make the guide visible again OR know of another place it is posted OR a different guide similar to that I can finish my load order with? I thought Vlad used to be a moderator here but maybe he was another that just helped me back then. Here is the URL to the guide https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2944593951

The guide is not very old and I am confused why it would be suddenly hidden. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I really don't want to loose a couple days of downloading, installing, and working with mods to start new. Vlad was very helpful to me my first go around on nexus and why I was so happy to find his guide. Thank you for your time!

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UPDATE: About 40 minutes after posting the above and around 8 views, I found the guide on a new search. Thanks Nexus community, I knew posting here would help. For anyone looking for a great guide on a modded load order for SSE Anniversary edition it can be found here https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2636368499

In my inexperienced and humble opinion on modding, for those who care to know, Vlad 254 was quite knowledgeable about modding skyrim. If you click his avatar in the link above, one can find multiple guides about modding skyrim from informative to basic and advanced load orders. The one above I'd consider advanced for being new to modding skyrim. Fear not though for those faint of heart, he takes you by the hand and walks through it quite detailed. With minimal internet searches I, thus far, have been successful. Happy modding!

Also, in case Vlad found or finds this, thank you for the guides!!!!!!!! Somewhere along the way I seen you (Vlad 254) were seeking feed back on guides. I'd like to share a newbs perspective on them with you. The polish would proof it for a newbs use. Feel free to contact me. Thanks again Vlad 254 and Nexus community for all you do!!!!!!!!


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In my excitement thinking the guide was back up I did not realize it is a guide for version 1.6.353 and not what I was using for version 1.6.640. So this question is still open. Thanks

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