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make two npcs from different mods talk to each other

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What would be the best way to make two npcs from different mods talk to one another? So far I've been able to import the first npc to the second mod with getformfromfile() and put it into a refrerencealias with forcetoref. But the referencealias doesnt have a voice type and it only seems lke the first phase is initializing since thats the only one that is subtitled.

I really just want to make one npc comment what the other is saying, when it is saying that.

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NPCs come with their own voice types... which you can, but don't have to override.

If the lines you want are available it should be as easy as putting them in ReferenceAliases as you describe.

With both NPCs in their aliases, you can make a scene in which they converse.  That is, create a quest, stuff both NPCs in the alias tab, create a scene in the scene tab.

The trouble usually is in finding appropriate lines that are available in the right voice types.   Though voice synthesis is changing that...


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