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There is no Dogmeat, only Zuul.


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I was hoping that someone could make a mod that would replace Dogmeat with the terror hound Zuul from the Ghost Busters movies. Due to the setting off Fallout 4 it wouldn't bee too far fetched to see a mutated hound with an appearance like Zuul since the Deathclaws are there. And now that I'm thinking about it, It would be amazballs if someone decided to take it further by producing a Ghost Busters themed FOMOD! Imagine if after leaving New York to go to that farm where he met his demise, Egon Spengler stopped in the common wealth because he knew what would happen from studying the Tobin Spirit Guide. While there he set up a bunker with all the equipment either he or someone else would need to survive the aftermath of the war and may have even possibly had a hand in founding the Institute. In this bunker would be schematics for creating the proton pack, PKE meter, Ecto goggles, traps, and of course a set of power armor. Once the schematics were acquired, all of those items could be made at the chem station. Maybe even a themed paint for the power armor as well. And If someone wanted to take things further they could add Gozer either as a boss from a quest chain or even as a dangerous companion that would ask but one question, "Are you a God?" If answered incorrectly or if saying yes failed due to lack of skill she would attack you and chase you around the common wealth like an undying Tyrant from Resident Evil. I think this would make and amazing playthrough if not several. Someone please consider making this, even if it's only one thing out of everything I have mentioned. If anyone wishes to take on this project I have provided pictures to help cut time on research.





ghostbusters PKE meter.webp




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