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How can I get rid of Light and Heavy Armor?


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It really bothers me (breaks my immersion?) that armor is divided between light and heavy.  It seems silly to me.  Armor should protect, period.  It should be rated solely on its protection.

If I was a modder.  If I could rewrite some basic mechanics.  

Then I would have a single armor skill.  Light armor could become maneuver skill or something.  Armor would have weight and protection numbers.  Its protection would equal a new value: encumbrance, which would act like weight but be reduced by armor skill.  So light armors that have high protection would have encumbrance.  If it provided non-magical protection, then it will still hinder movement even if it's sild and feathers...

Maneuver skill could still act like armor, reducing damage and what not, but would effect speeds and such.

I could flesh out the values more, but I have no idea how to make a mod like this.

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