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Is it possible to lower water with papyrus?


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I'm trying to lower water in a dungeon, after using a valve, but, while the water element go down, the swiming animation and imagespace modifier still plays in the game, like the character is still under water. 

Here is the code, made after a script found in the Mzark Wonders mod: 

scriptName defaultOnActivateMoveWater extends ObjectReference

ObjectReference property Water auto
ObjectReference property WaterMarker auto
bool isDone = FALSE
Int property WaterSpeed auto
Sound Property WaterSound auto

EVENT onActivate(ObjectReference triggerRef)
        Water.TranslateToRef(WaterMarker, WaterSpeed)
        isDone = TRUE

The issue is that, in Mzark Wonders, the water is going up. But here is going down. 

How do I get rid of the swiming animation? Is it possible to make water to go down? 

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Looks like the only way was to use two water planes, switching one for the other. 

scriptName defaultOnActivateMoveWater extends ObjectReference

ObjectReference property Water01 auto
ObjectReference property Water02 auto
ObjectReference property WaterMarker auto
Int property WaterSpeed auto

EVENT onActivate(ObjectReference triggerRef)
    Water01.TranslateToRef(WaterMarker, WaterSpeed)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Although that does work, I don't recommend it as if you attempt to do that in world cell it can cause an onccasional crash to desktop due to the way world maps are made (though normally fine in internal cells).

I did get the raise/lower water levels working. I believe it requires a specific keyword in the water activator to work, but I can't recall what it is - but probably something like 'Moveable'. Check a working water activator that does raise and copy how it's set up. Raising and lowering should work the same.

Edit - I've checked in cell DLC2Nchardak03 - keyword is 'Movable'.

Edited by dafydd99
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