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Baldur's Gate 3

Missing Body Textures On Body Type One


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  On 1/23/2024 at 5:48 PM, Flumme said:

Dit you try the repair-function on Steam?


To be specific:

Ran repair on Steam. Reinstalled game. Followed an extremely detailed guide to clearing the game's shader cache, as someone over on Steam believed its caused by corrupted shaders. And nothing has changed. I'm about to lean on Steam to force them to give me a refund for a game that just randomly decided to bork textures for no apparent reason.

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  On 1/23/2024 at 9:50 PM, Flumme said:

HOW dit you uninstall the game? Just uninstall it with Steam OR dit you delete the whole folder in SteamApps AND in the AppData folder?


Part of the guide I followed to fix the supposed corrupted shaders had me deleting folders in AppData, yes. It also had me deleting all of my folders in my  %temp% folder, and reset the game by deleting the bin folder for the game and redownloading it through verify files. Nothing has changed. I'm about to go ahead and try an uninstall through Windows Uninstall Programs, then reinstall on a different drive and see if that fixes anything.

The truly strange thing is that if I unequip the armor the bodies are there, rendered properly, and the body is also smaller proportioned like its supposed to be. But as soon as I equip the armor the body disappears and the chest area of the armor is way bigger than what it is supposed to be.

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Is this a mod armor?

I had some serious problems with a ScriptExtender - Native ModLoader conflict. I have resolved it (until now):

- Uninstall every Mod in the BG3 ModManager
- Uninstall the whole Game in Steam. TOTAL UN-install!
- Delete ALL Files in the Steam folder: \SteamLibrary\steamapps\common (something like this - where your BG3.exe files are)
- Delete ALL LArian files in AppData: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Larian Studios

Restart the computer / Laptop, make a little defragment-check. Than install the whole game. Fresh new TOTAL Installation. After the installation use the Steam repair function.

Now start the game .... without any Mods, ModManager, whatever ....

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  On 1/24/2024 at 1:40 PM, Flumme said:

Is this a mod armor?

I had some serious problems with a ScriptExtender - Native ModLoader conflict. I have resolved it (until now):

- Uninstall every Mod in the BG3 ModManager
- Uninstall the whole Game in Steam. TOTAL UN-install!
- Delete ALL Files in the Steam folder: \SteamLibrary\steamapps\common (something like this - where your BG3.exe files are)
- Delete ALL LArian files in AppData: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Larian Studios

Restart the computer / Laptop, make a little defragment-check. Than install the whole game. Fresh new TOTAL Installation. After the installation use the Steam repair function.

Now start the game .... without any Mods, ModManager, whatever ....


Sorry for the delayed reply, work has been kicking my butt the past few days.

Anyway, installing the game on a completely different drive fixed the issue. I did exactly as you mentioned and still couldn't get the issue to resolve itself, even after uninstalling the game and completely deleting any left over files in the common folder. There was something I was missing that was causing the issue, but in the end I still don't know where the issue stemmed from. Installing on a new drive fixed the issue though, so at least this isn't going to continue to bug me.

Of course, now I get to install mods one-by-one to see if one of those was the base cause despite the fact that I had deleted all of my mods previously and still had missing textures.

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