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MODS that work with v1.6.1170


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Is there a list somewhere that has the MODS that will work with the above mentioned version by chance 🤔

The reason I ask is because I decided to give MO2 another go and I'm getting this message when trying to launch the game :

DLL plugins you have installed require a new version of the Address Library. Either this is a new install or Skyrim was just updated. Visit the Address Library webpage for updates?

I have the current version D/L'd via MO2 ... this makes my head hurt 😖

Edited by moonraiser
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Thanks Leonidas ~

Any idea why I'm getting that message when I launch via MO2 

I D/L'd the Address Library from NEXUS and it's suppose to be the updated version for my build ?


 The only mods I'm experimenting with are :


Address Library for SKSE Plugins

SSE Engine Fixes

Alternate Start 


Ice Titans 

Mihails Ice Titans in Wyrmstooth



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Well, I don't use MO2, and only use the first four on your list.  Double-check your Address Library AND SKSE build, just in case.  There are logs in your ...\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE folder.  If you arrange them by most recent at the top of your window, you can often spot any SKSE mod logs that didn't update, giving you a hint as to which one(s) are causing the problem.  Also, check your override folder, in case an update has been placed in there.  Wish I could be of more help.

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Thanks Leonidas and that's the problem I'm having is with the second one ... and if I read those log's I have no clue what so ever 

Let me ask those that do use MO2, I have skse64_loader as the launch option and that's the one I get the error message with BUT when I select the Skyrim Special Edition option the game will launch so am I using the wrong exe. to launch the game ?

Anyone at all please chime right in before my head explodes 💥

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You didn't understand my shortcut re: the logs.  You simply arrange them by their time-stamp, in descending order.  Each SKSE-based mod updates its log on start-up (some also on shut-down).  Logs that did not update, did not start at all, so just scan down the list until you see the one(s) that did not update (near) simultaneously.  The master SKSE log will show 'loaded correctly' for the plugins that are working, if you choose to go that route, and scan its contents, newest at the top.  I do not know the note for plugins that did not load.

You could also make a shortcut on your desktop directly to the SKSE64_loader, and see if clicking on it directly will do anything for you.  Using the game launcher just avoids starting SKSE, and the associated .dll mods, AFAIK.

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Here's a look inside my SKSE logging folder:



Look down the Date Modified Column, and you can see that from skse64.log at the top, to skse64_loader.log farther down ALL loaded within a minute or so of each other.  The first one(s) that I would check to see if they are not working properly would be the two NPCsUsePotions logs, since they had not updated.  (These are fine, they don't update until a combat starts, I think..

Don't let the word wall in the logs confuse you.



You can see the locations of the SKSE info at the top, then a listing of the SKSE .dll mods begins.  I have a lot, sorry.  Look down the list, until you see 'Loading plugin', and you see on the line immediately below that it loaded correctly.  You just have to proceed down the list until you see something did not load correctly, or a mod that you attempted to install does not show up on the list.  Tedious, but not impossible.

Once again, try making a shortcut to the SKSE loader on the desktop.  If it works, then you haven't properly set up the loader to run in MO2.

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This will walk you through the setup of the mods you mentioned and has others https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2738338974

Vlad 254 also has a larger LO guide here https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2944593951

I am running version 1.6.1170 with the AE content of 1.6.640 and almost done with the large LO guide. The guide covers whether one uses the AE content or not. My game testing runs great! I only drop below 60 FPS on load screens to maybe 57, otherwise a flat 60. What I really like is all the fix mods the author put together for game stability. The author really did a great job of creating a step-by-step guide. Click Vlad's avatar and down that page you will his other guides for various modding knowledge. Hope it helps and happy modding :)

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