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How to cut out mods?


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I have some information here, but I DON'T KNOW IF IT WORKS. I have never done it myself and it is not from me! Good luck!


Method given by tyizzadyhe on the comment page of Stronger Bosses and enemies (who found the workaround on reddit) = all credit for him .

1. Load the save you want to play. Restore any missing mods if needed, if you get the "Different Mod Settings" pop-up, you won't be able to load the save.
2. Save, then close the game (this ensures this file is your most recent save. If the save you want is already the most recent, you can skip steps 1 & 2)
3. In BGMM, remove the mod(s) you want to get rid of. (In this case, you're removing the old version of StrongerBosses and replacing it with the Uninstall version of the mod)
4. In BGMM go to "Settings" >> "Open Preferences" >> "Advanced Tab"
5. In the text box next to "Launch Params" type "-continueGame"
6. Save settings.
7. Launch the game through BGMM Go >> Launch Game (Ctrl + Shift + G also works. Make sure your Game Executable Path in BGMM settings is correct.)
8. This will boot you directly into your most recent save, bypassing the Main Menu and the currently bugged "Missing Mods" dialogue window.
9. Once in game, save. This will save your current mod loadout and allow you to load through the Main Menu next time, as normal.

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