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Cleaning master files and plugins for CC content.....should I?


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Hello, after some years away from beginning to learn to mod a game I am back at it and have refreshed my memory on using LOOT, SSEEdit, and CK.

I have ran loot to take a look and am surprised to see the amount of CC plugins for AE that it is showing needs to be cleaned. My issue comes in from the fact that modding legends that posted updated content back years ago, when I first started learning, seems to have stopped. Now, I am not feeling safe to begin trusting updated videos and content by people I am not informed about.

So this leads me to some questions I know someone here is updated on. First, Gamerpoets used to recommend cleaning the Dawnguard wild edits. Is that still required to do? If memory serves, the rest of the master files he, then, said not to clean.

Second, is the CC plugins from the AE content. Do they or should they be cleaned?

Thanks for your help!

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9 hours ago, 7531Leonidas said:

Yeah, there has been a lot of controversy over the years.  Just thought you should know if you consider adding DynDOLOD 3.

I will keep it in mind, thanks!

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