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Trying to make an Awakening compatibility version of a mod

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Alas, it has nothing to do with personal desire or ambition, but simple bandwidth.

I'd love to.  And frankly - I'd love to have been able to volunteer when you put out the call for beta testers, too, but simply could not.

Right now I'm in the middle of what started out as a fairly routine bathroom upgrade project that went awry - and turned into a much, much bigger ordeal than it should have been - and just about everything that could go wrong has.  And after that, I have other home projects waiting in the wings.

Meanwhile, I still really need to get my own mod finished so I can release it.  It is more or less a collection of what could have been a whole bunch of individual mods that I put all together in one (fully configurable on the fly) package.  And there is quite a bit of work yet to do on it.

It is my ambition that gets me in over my head, lol.

Sorry I can't be any more help atm.

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