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(PS4/Xbox) Skyrim's Auto A.I. Compatibility Test of Your Mod Selections & Load Order??


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Does this A.I. exist? From what I've been experiencing - I think it does.

Fore instance - I begin selecting my mods in order as I've written on paper - And after 45 minutes of this - It seems the A.I. is activated to test whether any of the mods I've selected conflicts with each other (and if the load order creates problematic compatibility issues, as well???) - this last bit I'm not sure is true, but might be. Whereover my account is kicked out of the server - and I'm brought back to selection prompt to load a game or begin a new game; including delete saved game option, as well as link to the server I was just kicked out of - But, many times I'm sent completely out of the game to my game-console's access to all my different games on the console. Immediately the screen changes as a prompt appears informing me the Error code and message to report the problem to Xbox/Sony whatever.

So I go back into the game and access the link to the server to check my plugins and mods load order selection - And bang - the order might be in order or not, but many mods completely deactivated - and there seems to be (for many of them) no reason why they where selected as a root cause for compatibility problems - like the A.I. has selected them based on load order selection problem and completely separate conflicts from different mods - or, selected as if the A.I. has been instructed to dis-clude or not allow a Mod for the user-account.

It seems this A.I. has different levels of discrimination - like Strict, Moderate, and Leastwise Criticism - where this Strict Feature includes specific "cheat" mods from a list provided for the user-account - being as the reason why other mods where deactivated and even the altering of the load order entirely due to an amount of attempts the user-account has tried to include a "Cheat" mod (from a list the A.I. uses to discriminate from created beforehand), as an example which has happened to me at least a dozen times.

Sometimes if I keep going back in to make changes and the connection is not fully connected due to interrupting the A.I. "snitch itches" - And, I get kick out again - and the next day I go back to check and the load order is completely changed with all the mods deactivated.

I call it "The Sh!7 Lister - by Butt Hurt Management" - for refusing services without a written reason.

Edited by Everclear2liters1kniter
Clarifying, Spelling... Cusswords...
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