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Working Sinks in Fallout 4?


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On 2/13/2024 at 2:29 PM, VonHelton said:


One last question..........A big one.

Can I do this for one sink, then make others from it, or do I have to do this procedure over & over every time I want to make a sink in another color?

For example, I make a sink in White Marble. I apply this procedure.

Can I then duplicate & make a new sink in Black Marble?

Or do I have to make a black marble sink & then apply this procedure again?


hkx and animObject can be generic if they fit the new mesh. But each new static is still furniture and must be reassembled in ck and text data generated. It's tiring. If you need variability, then the easiest thing would be to create one universal  mixer - furniture. The faucet will be furniture, separate from the sink. It will attach to the sink using bsConnectPoint. The sink will be a separate object, with any number of materials and shapes.


Edited by South8028
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  • 1 month later...

The way I have been making custom sinks was by taking one of the working vanilla sink NIFs, pasting stuff from my custom NIF into it, and removing or repositioning some of the nodes to make the water stream align properly. Works without any placeAtNode, and it has a node which is getting rotated when you turn the sink on for the crank thingy.


On 2/13/2024 at 12:29 PM, VonHelton said:


One last question..........A big one.

Can I do this for one sink, then make others from it, or do I have to do this procedure over & over every time I want to make a sink in another color?

For example, I make a sink in White Marble. I apply this procedure.

Can I then duplicate & make a new sink in Black Marble?

Or do I have to make a black marble sink & then apply this procedure again?


For this, I recommend using material swaps.

If your custom NIF uses BGSM/BGEM files for texturing, you can create a material swap in the CK, where you put in the path to your original material under original, and another one under replacement. Then you can simply apply this material swap to your sinks to retexture them, without any need to modify the NIF.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Personally i open the nif in nifskope and find a vanilla sink with the water animation   and simply copy the animation branch into my sink and edit as needed...  Ive made several like that.





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