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!Urgent! I need help with how i can use this mod


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There's literally nothing urgent about this, in any way, shape or form. Is it possible that there's a link in the YouTube description, maybe, to the exact mod they're using? Just a hunch.

If that little bit of taking the initiative to discover and learn isn't your cup of tea, well then, I wish you the best of luck in your future modding efforts.

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@SauceLikeHot, the mod isn't for Cyberpunk, its for a game called Ready Or Not, the video description after being translated gives only the vaguest of information on how to use it in Cyberpunk but not enough detail for someone who is newer to modding or unfamiliar with reshades. I believe they would like help with how this mod is used/converted for a different game.

As for actually helping with your problem OP unfortunately looking through a few different mods and being unfamiliar with reshaders myself, I can't offer any help in how this is done, sorry.

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