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Something strange with CATastrophic Hunger Crisis


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I downloaded the mod CATastrophic Hunger Crisis from Nexus using Vortex, at https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/19528.  That is, I think I had downloaded it.  Installed it, too, and I now have in my current Stardew Valley game elements of the mod as described on the above webpage: the black cat is there on my farm, being very cryptic in his conversation.  I have now in the CJB Cheats menu under "Relationships" listings for Jelli (Jellical Cat from Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats?), the Blue Cat, the Red Cat, the Bread Cat, etc.  I can befriend them, but can't find them worth beans.  In fact, in my latest Winter Star festival, my mystery gift recipient was Jelli.  I looked everywhere during the festival, but could not find Jelli and could not give the critter its gift.  Very frustrating. 

Weirder still is that I cannot find CATastrophic Hunger Crisis as a file on my Vortex mods list.  I can't find that title in my list of mods on my computer (Program Files (X86)/ Steam/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley/Mods). 

Weirder than that is, thinking maybe I hadn't downloaded it correctly, I tried again to download CATastrophic Hunger Crisis.  What showed up on my Vortex list, at the bottom where new downloads are listed, was not CATastrophic Hunger Crisis; it was SVFishingModBait.  Thinking I had done something wrong, I again downloaded, via Vortex, from the Nexus website, CATastrophic Hunger Crisis.  Vortex told me it was downloading CATastrophic Hunger Crisis.  What popped up as newly downloaded was SVFishingModBait.  Wires crossed somewhere, maybe?

And to add to the weirdness, I have in my mods on my computer, three folders under names I didn't recognize at all:  StarcatQuests, StarcatMod, and StarcatCode.  Looking at just some of the file names in these folders, I kinda get the idea that these Starcat folders are CATastrophic Hunger Crisis.  Why does the name show up differently on Nexus and in my Stardew Valley mods on my computer?  As for my Vortex mods list, neither of those titles shows up!

Okay, that's enough to confuse this old granny-gamer.  Society wants me to say I'm age 76, but I'm done with that.  I am LEVEL 76.  That sounds so much more badass, and I have been through some tough times to get to this level.  But this situation I've describe here has me baffled.  I'd admire a little help here.   BTW, it was my grandson who taught me how to download, install, and use mods!

And where in "the woods" (which woods?) is the cat village, anyhow?  I've searched for it for days now.

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Further frustration.

In this evening's session, I went into the Secret Woods for the first time, having chopped up the hardwood blocking the entrance.  I got a dialogue saying something like, "Hey, Bobby!  Over here." It was the Black Cat.  I could see something off to the upper left, but I could not get to it because, just walking into the Secret Woods, I had materialized in a bunch of trees or something.  Couldn't move in any direction.  This also happens when I try to teleport into the Secret Woods using the choice from the CJB Cheats Menu.  Looks like the coordinates for transporting into the Secret Woods are a little off.  So the above question in my main post about which woods are the cats in has been answered by the game, but I know no more than I did before because the game glitched and I could not go through all the dialogue with the Black Cat.

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