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Unarmed Main Hand


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Was hoping someone might know how to create a mod that gives an item that could help a Monk dual wield.

Essentially looking for a Main Hand "weapon" that only gives the Unarmed Strike weapon action, and has the Light property. This would allow using another Light weapon in the offhand, or non-Light/non-Two Handed if you take the Dual Wielding feat. 

I guess I'm kind of asking for something like a knuckles weapon, but without added damage/stats. Although adding some knuckles that do add stats would be a fun addition to a Monk focused mod.

It would be very similar to the mod Empty Hand - Versatile Duelist (https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/2359), but instead of a blank Shield, it's a blank Main Hand. And like that mod, it gives (and forces) the Unarmed Strike action as your main attack.


I know this is already kind of possible by equipping two Light weapons, then using a companion to swap out the main hand, but it's rather inconvenient doing that each time you change areas and whatnot.

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In theory you can create, the problem would be the model.

Now you could do in the simplest way that would be adding the unarmed attack of the left to the Ptincipal damage (something that I apply in my mode of animations for two weapons) since giving it an animation that triggers a second attack is quite complicated.

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