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Stardew Valley

Trying modding to change portraits in Stardew Valley but it does not work.


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I'm trying to start modding stuff, really a newbie here so i don't really know much about stuff but i'm learning. I've been watching tutorials and all about modding on Stardew valley and changing portraits looked like a good start, but for some reason i just can't make it work. I'm pretty sure i do follow the steps correctly and i've seen more than 3 diferrent tutorials to try and solve the problem but i just don't understand what i'm doing wrong.


This is the error that appears every time i try to load my mod:

[Content Patcher] Patch error: Rasmodius Portraits > Load Portraits/Wizard has a FromFile which matches non-existent file 'assets\RasmodiusPortraits'.


Can someone please help me?

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