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"Save relies on missing files" when I ADDED something


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I am SO confused here.  I recently dusted off my old mod organizer with an interest in getting back into Skyrim.  After playing for a few days I took a look at the nexus and decided to download a couple of new mods.  I have not deactivated any I was already using, I have only added a house and a dog mod.  However, when i try to load a save now it tells me "This save relies on files that are nolonger available" or something like that.   When I clicked load anyway it put me in a completely different location, and my hair was missing.  SO WIERD.  Why would a house or dog mod remove hair files???  So I deactivated the new mods and loaded up the save just fine - so I know I hadn't just accidentally deavtivated something else.  

Does anyone have any ideas why it would think files were missing when I have only added, not taken away?  At this point it looks like I'm stuck with only the mods I already have because I then tried activating a couple of other mods with the same results. Couldn't add a clothing mod, couldn't add a more gifts for kids mod, couldn't add a bed replacer.  I'm stumped!  

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What version of Skyrim SE/AE are you using?  Anything before 1.6.1130 will have trouble with mods made under the newer Creation Kit.  The Backported Extended ESL Support - BEES ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/106441 ).  The reason I am referring to this is you may have updated an older mod or two with newer versions, which can't be loaded.  This is just a guess.  Take a look at BEES.  If you are familiar with SSEEdit, you can load up your newly added mod(s), and check the file header there.  If you see the value 1.710000 (not sure about the number of zeros), then it was made under the new CK.

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hmmm..... I'm using the legendary edition because that's where I already had all the mods, so possibly there would be a version issue.  I may attempt activating an older mod that I downloaded long time ago but wasn't using just to see what happens.  It's been so long since I've done any modding I can't remember how to use all the different modding programs.

I  experimented with using one of the new mods on a different profile in mod organizer, and while it still gave me the message that there were missing files, it actually loaded that save fine without teleporting me or removing my hair, and the mod seemed to be working.  It was a save right after character creation so maybe that had something to do with it?   The saves I tried which didn't work were in Lakeview Manor and somewhere outside in Skyrim. 

The mods I have tried so far are Dogs of the Jarls, The Silent Lake Cottage, Luxury Dressed Children, Noble Child Beds, and Craftable Gifts for Children.  I tried each individually and each of them did the same thing - place me in the Sleeping Giant Inn with no hair.  😆

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Wasn't there some routine or command in MO2 that would tell you what files were not present?  I have never used MO2.  Only tried the original MO for a short time on LE, changed to Vortex when I moved to SE.

Maybe just use the print screen key when the error prompt shows up, to show you which files are not present any more?

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