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Weather Phenomena Megathread


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What science fact or science fiction weather would you like to see implemented eventually in weather mods?

Particularly exotic weather predicted to exist on planets with very different pressure, composition, gravity, temperature, magnetic fields, tidal forces, orbits, rotation, etc from earth.

What quest links or construction links, if any, would you correlate to given weather?

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Also, rather than just bars and alarms, weather hazards should be more visceral, complex, and require more planning, equipment, or repair. Likewise, building bases should have physical buildable components relating to environment hazards.

Wind — I’d like to see windstorms that can sweep you away or hurl debris with anchor or tunneling tools to cope.

High pressure — I’d like use mechs to traverse places under such pressure that there are seas or rain or hail of exotic materials. Mercury, diamond, etc with unique dangers or uses.

Low pressure — I’d like to explore a world using a vacuum airship.

Fog — I’d like to visit worlds so thick with gasses that I can only see with special scanner visors that until upgraded and combined may leave me with unexpected blind spots.

High temperature — I’d like to visit worlds where lava and geysers are so common that standing still will melt my boots forcing me to travel by hovering crafts.

Low temperature — I’d like to visit a rogue planet with strange caves that near absolute zero and risk freezing or jamming mechanical components.

Sentient planets — I’d like to visit a world where everything is connected via hivemind and certain actions will turn the planet against you or in your favor.

Gravity — I’d like to build an exosuit for high gravity and a glider jetpack for low gravity.

Radiation — I’d like a wide variety if biological and mechanical mishaps due to radiation types.

Corrosion — I’d like corrosion, bulletholes, lacerations to keep me using duct tape constantly.

Lightning — I’d like conductive or magnetized landscapes to produce exotic lightning storms including ground lightning, ball lightning, and various colors that require me to use a faraday cage or magnetic deflector shield, but can also be used to power a base.

Meteor showers — Bonk.

Nebula and extra large asteroids — For ships to hide or ambush with.

Heatleeches — To disable your ship in the middle of deep space.

Stampedes — Squish.

Rogue AI satellite orbital to ground strike — Zap.

Stress — You or your crew behaving irresponsibly or badly.

02 — Fixed amount manually refillable.

CO2 — Can cause brief blackouts.

Psychoactive — Fun, horrible, or misleading hallucinations.

Darkness — Deep abysses in land or oceans with only rare zones of bioluminescence or heat flaring, and also derelict darkened locations in space.

Tidal lock orbits — More vivid biomes on tidally locked planets.

Fissures — Real gaping earthquakes on unstable planets that may require climbing gear to navigate.

Parasites — Food borne illness or mind control, you or your crew, unless your ship doctor really knows what’s what and has tools.

Insomnia — Space objects that prevent rest may end up on board and warrant both caution and curiosity.

Deafening noise — Disrupts equilibrium and causes temporary deafness without protection.

Farts — In suit temp accuracy penalty, out of suit temp hostility if nearby npcs, and only prevented by balanced diet.

Solar flare — Disables electronics including suit or ship.

Auroras — Scenic.

Strange orbits, seasons — A planet where visiting at different times is like visiting a different planet.

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