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All Faith's Chapel, Worship Gods like in Skyrim


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I was thinking about how underused the All Faiths Chapel in Diamond City is when it hit me:
What if you could partake in prayer to "one of the gods"?
Similar style to Skyrim where you pick a god at an altar and gain a boon specific to it.

I imagine it wouldn't be too difficult to implement on a basic level regarding temporary/ time limited stat boosts.
Though it could provide room for more content for the more ambitious; perhaps wild encounters or npc interaction.

The All Faiths Chapel is where you can worship whatever god of your choosing, so why not partake in prayer and gain the blessing of your god while in the great green jewel?

I put this idea out here for any to pick up and create if they choose to.

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I'm now imagining a side quest which reveals the praying, originally to no one in particular, that you've been doing for some time now has been latched onto by a less favourable god.

Perhaps one of the Eldritch entities established to exist in the Fallout universe.

Leading you to need to complete a dungeon or two to cleanse yourself of it's grip.


As usual I've thought too much too fast about this and in the time it has taken me to type the original idea I have already come up with another act of the story. Terrible habit I can't stop.

That's me done with my horror story, you can have your thread about a Skyrim-esque stat buff mechanic back now :')

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