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Vampire Spawn Class


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So, I've never liked that our Vampire Spawn was just an ordinary rogue with bite.  I always felt it was lacking, especially when the Gur tells a well armed party to watch out for the vampire spawn as it could "ki!! you all".  So I would like to see someone make a class for Vampire Spawn and hopefully they see this and take some of my suggestions. 

Being a fan of the Anne Rice - Interview with a Vampire style I'd like to see an aristocrat styled Vampire Spawn class that provides the following...

  • Unarmored 
    • Charisma and Dexterity modifier
  • Spells
    • Lure 
    • Confuse
    • Invoke Hysteria (or aoe fear effect)
    • Paralysis
    • Read Minds 
    • Shadow Step 
    • Stealth
    • Heal - Only on self
    • Darkvision
  • Focus on Unarmed attacks - Unarmed attacks do Necrotic Damage and Slashing Damage (claws) causing the target to bleed 1 per round
    • Swipe - Inflicts necrotic and slashing damage causing the target to bleed.
    • Flurry of Claws - 2 (or three) strikes inflicting necrotic and slashing damage adding stacks of bleed (albeit making the bleed damage increase with every stack)
    • Bite/Feed - Necrotic and Piercing damage causing target to bleed in the beginning and end of the round - Stacks (so the more they are bitten the more they bleed out); 1d4 return of health
      • Inflicting a penalty on movement, damage, and saving throws that stacks with every bite to the target
    • Targets under effects of lure or paralysis are automatically critical strikes
    • Bite causes an aoe taunt motivating all enemies to focus on you unless you succeed a stealth saving throw
      • Attacks can benefit from Tavern Brawler Perk
  • Now for the balance...
    • Necrotic Resistance
    • Immune to diseases
    • Fire vulnerability
    • Radiant/Sunlight vulnerability
      • -2 In sunlight
      • +2 in Shade
    • (not sure if this can be done) Silver vulnerability - any attacks made against the spawn by a silver weapon automatically crit.
    • Armor of the target determines the level of damage of bite, swipe and flurry; 
      • Unarmored - Full Damage
      • Light Armored (chest) - 90%
      • Medium Armored (chest) - 75%
      • Heavy Armored - 50 %
      • Constructs - 0%
    • (on bite only) Biting Undead causes Piercing damage but no bleed and inflicts a penalty on the attacker 
      • Feeding on an undead inflicts a -2 penalty and/or 1-3 necrotic damage until long rest or feed on a living target
      • Failing to 'Feed' once per longrest results in a -2 penalty to player (after all vampires need to feed)
        • Once feed -2 penalty negated.  
        • If a target is fully drained +2 buff

**Tinkering with the idea of subclasses called 'Dark Gifts - Body': a vicious brawler type with increased push/throw damage; buff to melee abilities; extra action  /  'Dark Gifts - Mind' : a psychic powerhouse which adds psychic damage to lure, confuse, invoke hysteria, paralysis; increased self heals; and adds spell levels to the CCs to allow the vampire spawn to target multiple targets**  

As I said I wanted to see more of an Anne Rice styled vampire, one that has strengths along with weaknesses. This build is essentially a merge between a Way of the Shadow Monk and a College of Lore Bard.  I'd love to figure out how to make this class myself so if no one responds I'll be "working on it" - which is to say I'll be playing russian-roulette with my PC and my pre-novice mod coding abilities. 

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