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A group of High Elves like the Wild Hunt on Witcher 3


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They would consider themselves to be the most superior, even to the average High Elf. They would be after the Eye of Magnus with the same idea that only they could possess it. I think they would have their own custom Armor. The Volkihar Gardener Berserker or the Berserker Armor mod gave birth to this ideal. I thought they would have a special power in the same way as you prepare for the fight with Alduiwin, you would have to find an Artifact that would give you the power to be able to defeat them as they just level you like Miraak does the first time you meet him. Of course, you have to run from them because you wouldn't be able to hurt them without this power or artifact... Kinda like Assassin's Creed Odyssey's. I wish hiding in bushes and climbing worked in Skyrim as it does in AC Odyssey but it doesn't. Anyway, that's an ideal I had for a mod I could never make.

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