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Fade out interior candle lights problems.


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Hello everyone,

I think the issue is well known, namely the terrible fade out of the internal lights in the game, in particular the light (real or not) emitted by the candles in some places such as in inns (see the bannered mare ), where the effect is terrifying, simply moving away a little the lights go off, with mods like jk's the effect is even worse.

With ENB I managed to improve the situation a little but it didn't completely solve the problem, the lightingsprites that give the glow effect continue to disappear.

It's been 12 years since the game was released, amazing mods have changed the game in every way, but this problem remains, is it possible that there is no solution? even if it were to edit the cells with xEdit?

I would like to point out that I have tried many mods, some like elfx help, but they do not solve and create other problems (flickering shadows or lights).

Thanks for the attention



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