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[Mod Request] Show Melee and Range weapons at the same time.


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No, this mod just change the positions on some weapons, like saber or shortsword on hip instead on back as it is on vanilla game. 

What I'm proposing, is a mod that keep both melee and ranged weapons visible at all times, no matter witch one you're using at the moment. 

If you're able to create such mod it will be awesome! 

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Just upping the post, to see if someone who knows how to do it sees this post. 

It has been a wile and I have been seen many complicated mods been released, I believe that some of those modders would be able make this one if they see the post. 


Edited by Hurameshi
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I know right... 
I have been holding on my 3rd playthrough right now, cause I've been seen so many mods, many that are just derp... and no one create this one, it is kinda dismotivating.

The funny thing is, this feature was present in Early Access... 😑

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I didn't know that about the PS5, so the function it's still in the game, as I mentioned before, at some point it was active on Early Access. 
But for some reason people are not interest in reactivate that function. 

They have been releasing a lot of mods, it's kind of frustrating seeing that and not have any mod close to this one.
I've tried to look up on how to do it and using other mods to activate it, but I'm no modder. 😞

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