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Friend-zone every romance?


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I'm planning another Cyberpunk run-through, and dreading the awkward romance between V and the characters - is there any way to force friend-zone the characters?  I tried a few '_romanceable' flags but this didn't seem to prevent the awkward dinner scene with River's family. 

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On 2/16/2024 at 10:14 AM, Asakti said:

I'm planning another Cyberpunk run-through, and dreading the awkward romance between V and the characters - is there any way to force friend-zone the characters?  I tried a few '_romanceable' flags but this didn't seem to prevent the awkward dinner scene with River's family. 

I think it is quite easy to friend zone all of them, except Judy.

Panam: just play as female V, thoough there are few dialog options where you friendzone her before it gets out of hand 😄
Kerry dialogs give you plenty of chances to let him know you are not interested, to the point where in one scene you fall into his arms, and he says No 😄
River is probably more of the awkward ones, but in my opinion he takes it quite well. Is he romancable if you play as male V?
Judy: isn't it possible to not have romantic night after the dive? I cannot check, since first playthrough I romanced Judy, second playthrough, game bugged out and Judy never called me for a job regarding that club take over.

I do believe game gives you quite a few chances to steer the conversation away from romance, where you eventually do not get a dialog option to romance any of them.

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