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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, that's really ambitious: voice, and story, and writing your first quest. Quests alone are a much different endeavor than they were in OB's Construction Set or Fallout's GECK. Good luck with that! 

Since you're new, best to make a brand-new Gian. Right-click > Duplicate the original. Now his ID will be named GianTheFistDUPLICATE, which is kind of awkward, so give the guy a unique name. When you save (click OK) it'll ask if you want to change to a New Form, and click No. Then click Yes. 

Reason why it's not good to modify the original guy is sometimes your changes can make problems happen. If these problems happen to the original Gian now you're stuck. Especially if you've already played the game and saved a few times, changes get baked into the save. 😞 With the duplicate you've got freer reign to make mistakes, which you will do as a n00b! But that's part of the learning process.  

Feel free to message me about quest stuff. 

Edited by xenaclone
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