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Changing personal title


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Could it be possible that we get to change our title if we so feel the need. Currently my title is "Veteran" only cause I post alot. Not spam posts but just, being chatty, sharing ideas, or trying to help. But I dont feel like a Veteran in my role because I mainly post in Oblivion Mod threads and so far, I barely know how to make new items and move items around. No great mods here. So when it comes to being Veteran I dont feel like I have the mod experience for that title.


Well now that my virtual tongue is wagged, what can we do about this?

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Your title should be automatically changed when you've written 500 posts. Right now I also have the boring Veteran-title :P



Hope it helps,


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It dosn't change automatically after 500 posts, at that point you get to choose the title.

However, I frown on posts that don't say anything, such as one liners, LOLs, A single smiley and posts that do not contribute to the subject in a meaningful way.


My frown usually takes the form of deleting those kind of posts.

Bben46, Moderator

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