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Vortex keepstelling me it's looking for a file in Skyrim(masterlist). but it doesn't exsist....help!!


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so I have started to mod again and I own the Skyrim SE from Steam edition.


I have the latest version of Vortex. 

it keeps telling my that there is no "masterlist" available. I already ran the game once to see if it creates it, but it doesn't.

second problem: I downloaded and installed Skyrim Scriptextender and it SHOWS that it is installed and enabled, but in the Dashboard earea of Vortex, down at the Tools section, it still shows scriptextender as not being there....

ugh, can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I even followed the video on thee dashboard about how to install tools....


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Go to the Vortex Support forum on the home forum site, and search for 'masterlist' or 'missing masterlist'.  There are several causes, and several remedies.

Check the SKSE tool for the proper information to tell Vortex where to look for your SKSE LOADER.  It should be in the same folder as your Skyrim SE executable.


Vortex Tools.png

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