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Book Covers Skyrim mod questions


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Hello, I am trying to use Book Covers Skyrim Updated REDUX 4K-2K https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/69568

As I understand, that one replaces the original Book Covers Skyim. The new mod's author says the BCS plugin is included. When I install it I get three esps named Book Covers Skyrim Updated.esp. First one says that name and next two just add a 0 and a 1 after Updated.

All my mods/patches requiring BCS say the master (BCS) is not installed. I see nothing on the mod page above about it needing BCS in the requirements. There is a mention about Book Covers Skyrim Updated, but says it uses that info too. Just mentions for basically giving the mod author an endorsement.

Does anyone know how this combination is supposed to work? Do I need the original BCS with BCSU? I am not seeing why, as there is no patches in BCSU for BCS, but none of my patches recognize BCSU as the master they need. Any insight is greatly appreciated, thank you!

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