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"Bruma Nords" follow-on to civil war


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I'm creating a series of speaches for Heimskr, barrowing and adapting from history using GPT-4 1106 preview.  My goal is ~50, but one of those is an  adaptation of a famous 1938 speech "Sudetenland Germans" to be about "Bruma Nords" in the context of Skyrim's civil war.  A hold-up is finding the right voice at elevenlabs.io (to avoid copywrite issues) and that OpenAI is censoring it, so I'll have to do this one by hand.  Does anyone know of, or might have interest in creating an extension mod to the civil war about the taking of Bruma from the empire?

Example: Heimskr does Shakespear's Henry the 5th 😉 :

"Hear me once more, you proud sons and daughters of the land of Skyrim, for today we extol the virtue of our protector, our guardian, the Dragonborn. As Ysgramor himself, with a band of mere hundreds, carved an empire from the untamed wilds, so too has our hero shaped destiny with the dragons' voice and unbreakable will.

Lo, as Alduin darkened the skies of Helgen, as terror reigned and ash fell like snow upon our homes, the Dragonborn strode forth, undaunted. In their gaze lay the stillness of the highest peaks, and in their hand, the force that turns the river’s course. So did they stand for Whiterun, as the shield-barer for us all, casting out the darkened tide with heart as pure as Skyrim’s crystal streams.

We honor you Dragonborn, not for power or glory sought, but for your love of Skyrim. For the Dragonborn's ambition was not of the self, but for the welfare of the Nord people, for the freedom of our children, and for the sanctity of the realm that has cradled our kin since the dawn of time.

History remember the Dragonborn, with a nobility carved not from lineage, but from deeds that etch into the immortal stones of this world. Let none forget the hero who confronted Death itself, whose Thu'um unleashed the valor of our ancestors, and whose sacrifice eclipsed the most resplendent of Sovngarde's offerings.

This hallowd shrine, this blessed Whiterun, this sacred Nirn, this realm, this Skyrim, nourished by the Dragonborn's indomitable spirit, now blooms anew. Look upon their works, ye mighty, and rejoice! For they have halted the twilight that sought to claim our day, and in its stead has affirmed the dawn of an era—an era where every man, woman, and child may walk in the light of their own destiny.

Let our songs carry forth on the wind’s howl, from the deepest caverns to the highest eaves of the pines. The Dragonborn's story, interwoven with the stars above, shall forever illuminate the proud legacy of the Nords. 'Their life was gentle, and the elements so mixed in them' that the Gods themselves might stand in awe to proclaim to all the realms: here was a champion of Skyrim."

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