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Breakpoint Replay, your way

Guest deleted100430353

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Guest deleted100430353

So you have played through the game. You have that one maxed out character. You don’t want to start over because you would have to collect all that cool stuff again. You want to hit all the bases and check points and make your own missions as you go. Let’s face it the regular missions take more time checking in with so and so before and after the missions than it does to actually do the mission. You are better off making your own missions up. Also in a regular play through there are a couple dozen bases and check points you don’t even go to as there are no missions there.

I compiled a list of all the bases and check points from the game. I laid them out in a linear fashion per province with a central starting bivouac. So using this list(s) you can visit every base and check point making your own mission up as you go. This is the basic premise of most YouTube videos. There are two lists. One list goes through each province in one direction and the other list goes in the opposite direction. That way you are going at every base and checkpoint from the opposite direction, give or take. This will force you to change tactics since you are not taking a base in the same direction you always do. For some added fun try these rules. You can fast travel but don’t open any bivouacs. This will limit ammo and items to only what you find in the field. Only open a Bivouac when you start a new province just to change your weapon. Choose wisely.

I have a modified version of the Spartan mod to help limit ammo and pickups even more. If anybody shows interest I can help there. I also played around with the AI sight distance so if you don’t enjoy being sniped from 300m away (with Spartan mod) I can help with that.

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