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SkyrimAE/SE/LE and exporting Face Gen on Vortex


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I would like to ask if in the up coming update you guys have been talking about. Can you make an easy place the exported Face Gen textures and meshes can be picked up for packaging NPC mods. This would make better mods for the community not having grey face NPCs. MO2 has a overwrite that these files automaticaly go to and it is easy as 1.2.3. Having the face gen included in a mod that contains boost the size of the mod considerable telling a would be uploader that 11kb file don't have the face gen. So the keep scrolling and you don't get a download. The mod Author isn't looking to spend DP. Thanks for all you guys work, if it was not for ya'll the modding community would be more than 3 quarters smaller and we would have that much less fun.

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