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RAW INPUT Mod Issue -- Need Help!


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Hi all,

I recently installed the Raw Input mod due to mouse stuttering and found it didn't solve my problem. However, more than that, it seems to have affected my game speed somehow. I'll move normally at times, but at others (seemingly when facing a doorway or objective), I'll move faster (maybe 50% faster?). Additionally, NPCs move and trigger dialogue cues much more rapidly. Danse and the BoS troopers spam each other with speech whenever I enter the station, and Danse sprints around like he's on coke. Anyway, I removed the mod and uninstalled it entirely, but the effect seems to have remained. I even tried using an autosave that pre-dates the mod's installation to no avail; it seems whatever tweaks were made weren't undone with the uninstall. 

Can anyone suggest what to fix/do? I'm playing on Survival and would prefer not to have to do a fresh reinstall/reset of the game if possible. Thanks so much for any support!

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2 hours ago, LarannKiar said:

This may happen if your FPS is higher than 60. Do you have any mod that uncaps frames per second? Maybe an F4SE plugin or another .dll?

I'm not sure, truthfully, but your post gave me an idea. I went into Nvidia's settings for FO4 and turned on VSync (which, I think, limits fps). This fixed the problem. Oddly, my sound is now kind of out of wack. It sounds.. hissy? Like lower quality somehow. Not sure if that is tied to vsync, but I've been having odd sound problems today too. I'm going to play around a bit tonight and see if my speed situation is resolved -- thank you either way for the suggestion!

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Short update: just played an hour or so and the game runs great! There's a low-level distortion to the sound unfortunately, and I'm not sure how/why as I haven't done anything new with mods aside from what I've described. I'll consider it a separate issue at this point. Thanks again LarannKiar!

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