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Editing Talents


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This will be done via the ABI_base xls/gda file. Open the xls file find the talents and under prereqattribute change 2 to 1. Then to convert xls file to gda.

If this is your first time editing xls source files (Dragon Age Ultimate Edition\tools\Source\2DA) be sure to copy the originals and edit the copies. Also only include the talents edited to avoid conflicts that you may have from other mods.

Edited by HollownessDevoured
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To add to the information HD has already provided, I'd like to point out that, if you're having trouble editing the xls (don't happen to have an old copy of Excel laying around or whatever) you can alternatively edit the generated gda using a nifty tool called GDApp.

Also, in the xls source file location HD provided, (Dragon Age Ultimate Edition) refers to your game installation directory.  Just exactly where that is on your local machine can vary depending on whether you installed through Origin, Steam, GOG, etc., and whether you used the default directory or changed it.

I would suggest giving your edited gda file a new name to differentiate it from others.  That is usually done by extending the name of the file, like so: ABI_Base_mymod.gda, where "mymod" is something unique that will remind you what it is and help you avoid confusing it with any modified ABI_Base files that may be provided with other mods you might install.

Finally, once you're ready to use your edited gda file, you need to put a copy of it someplace where the game will read it when it starts up.  Mods are typically installed in subfolders under documents -> BioWare -> Dragon Age, and something like packages -> core -> data would be an appropriate sub-location for something like that.

Have fun!

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