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Skyrim: an Autosave feature based on Z4X's Experience Mod.

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You know what its like, you've walked across Skyrim, picked up some good loot and got some quests but the game hasn't auto-saved in a while because you haven't gone through any doors. All of a sudden you're accosted by 200 feral rabbits that have been modded to do 5'000'000 damage and your last save point was 2 hours ago. The auto-save mods aren't 100% suitable or useful especially if they're based on time which is either too much or too little. Sure you can autosave with a hotkey but sometimes you're immersed and you forget. we've all been there.

Anyway, what I propose is an auto-save feature that saves the game when you have accumulated enough XP from Z4X's Experience mod. You set the XP in a MCM menu based on how much you think you'd have to accomplished to be worth autosaving and then you're good to go.

Does such a thing exist? Is it even possible?

P.s is it bad form to come up with a mod idea based on somebody else's mod? I feel like that involves them without asking them. I would have messaged Z4X but I don't know how to do that on Nexus Profiles so apologies if you see this and it offends you!




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