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Yangtze rockets malfunction

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Is it buggy nif or what? When summoned by the beacon it may just flicker somewhere in the sky and vanish, does so likely 80-90% of times in overall, although there may be several consecutive successful "launches".

I don't get how it works either way 🤯 Phantom weapon fires a projectile from a ref and it flies towards (!) the ref (practically, weapon itself) from nowhere, possibly hitting obstacles on the way down (beacon scenario, MS02NukeMissileFar.Fire(objSelf)), while if same launcher weapon is used by player, then it fires normally.

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I reused that system to launch Fallout 76 Nukes at the Commonwealth with a spawned target marker and it works fine. 


Place function:

ObjectReference ThisNuke =  NukeMarker.PlaceAtMe(pSKK_476NukeMissileTarget, 1, false, false)


Script attached to SKK_476NukeMissileTarget:

Scriptname SKK_476NukeMissileTargetScript extends ObjectReference Const

Weapon Property pMS02NukeMissileFar Auto Const Mandatory

Event OnLoad()
    ObjectReference objSelf = self as ObjectReference  ; more consistent with this cast than just using self
    Self.SetAngle(0.0, 0.0, self.GetAngleZ())

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7 hours ago, SKKmods said:

to launch Fallout 76 Nukes

Nice 🤩.

Well, maybe that's unfortunate ps4 specific then. Something wrong with already fired rocket projectile rendering, because it can be noticed to vanish in midair. There's nothing that prevents "launch" itself.

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