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Is it safe: Converting ESP to ESL?


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The number of records. If too many it cannot be converted. If you are using vortex, you can just use the make plugin light option. In vortex any plugin that can be an esl will show with the "Mark Light" option. This is a temp feature only done in vortex as it does not change the mod's flags. If using MO2, you need to do it in xedit. If a plugin cannot safely be converted to an esl, xedit will not allow you to do so.

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Is not always safe. For example:

1. If another Mod have some type of dependency on the mod you are trying to convert, that Mod won't be capable anymore of properly detect the converted Mod if it's name was changed or the FormID of the linked objects are changed.

2. If you already was using the Mod before convert it into ESL. But at least in this case usually you can clean the saved game from the pre-converted version. Of course you shouldn't do that if you had some quest in progress from that Mod because all your progress on those quests will be lost and restored to 0.

3. If the Mod have a MCM. In this case is mostly for a Skyrim bug that can't prevent the MCM Quest for start. This is a common bug, doesn't happen to everyone and is not specific of the ESL plugins but is related with it's relatively position on the plugin's list and it's Index. The solution to this can be add it the ESL flag together with the ESM flag or change it's files extension to ESL that is like set both flags. This solution works because the Light Master Plugins (plugins with the ESL+ESM flag's) independent of it's position on the Plugin Load list are always loaded after the ESM plugins and before the ESP or ESL plugins so the bug have less chance to happen.


At the end the ESL plugins are only recommend for Patches, Fixes, some Armor Mods and Mods that already come converted to ESL by default. Some small Followers Mods can also be converted but some Mods are being reporting issues with those followers.


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