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Broken cloud layers


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FTR, graphics drivers are relatively up to date (haven't performed an update in ~2-3 months,  but like I said, this has been happening for several years)

Weather - "cloudy", if it were the real world I'd say "A storm is approaching from the <insert direction>, it'll be here in an hour or so and it looks like we ought to close the windows upstairs" weather, but that kind of weather seems almost normal in Skyrim. brooding, some low level clouds passing by underneath the main formations... 

BTW, Most of the sky in those two snapshots above is 'accurate'. It's foggy/low-level clouds below, which is why there's so much light gray in the lower portions of the sky (Mountains are only outlines). 

time of day doesn't seem to matter. could be morning, noon, late afternoon or well into the evening, but I don't pay a great deal of attention at the darkest hours, so the dead of night I'm not sure.

I'd also note that early on, it was one reason I redid the file validation thing. It didn't solve it, so resources seem to be in place., it's just some other code is interfering. 

It *appears to be the affected layers either not displaying the intended images, the code responsible for iterating/morphing/generating those images breaking, or perhaps a stupid alpha value being in error. Or maybe that's the way it's supposed to work, (to emphasize long distance visibility issues under inclement weather?) I really don't know.


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