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Mesh Modding Issue?


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I am trying to create a mashup outfit of some of Viv's stuff and the belt bit from the dalish keeper armour to replace the EF arishok armour so I can use it for formal wear. However, I've run into a problem and I have no idea how to fix it. Everything looks fine in Blender and in Frosty Editor, but in game parts of the mesh are stretched into the great beyond. 

Does anyone know what causes this or how to fix it? I would greatly appreciate the help!

Picture of what I mean, since its too large to attach: [link]

Edited by outofserotonin
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  • 9 months later...

Did you ever figure out any kind of fix? Running into a similar issue, which appears to be on about the same spot in the mesh, also while editing the formal wear.

finery stretched mesh.png

EDIT: Fixed! I found some more information about the issue from Dmitrias on the Frosty Toolsuite Discord: there can be issues with the number of vertices per bone, which can persist even after limiting them. This is why the formalwear mesh is initially broken up into several submeshes. Keeping the mesh split up into two pieces (with their respective vertex groups) fixed it. Just make sure you watch your mesh names, as the submeshes were named identically when I imported them into Blender so it added on the little .001 at the end, which hindered import into Frosty (it would only load one submesh). I just renamed the submesh that I split the boots into, as seen below.


Success! Hope this helps someone running into this in the future.


Edited by Venngale
Resolved issue, added fix to post
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