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Controls Dragonball Z Kakarot


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Dear modding community,

some of the controls in the game Dragonball Z kakarot really keep bugging me and i would love some mods that would change these controls. Unfortunately no mods in this regard exist as far as i can tell, even though i have seen multiple forums where people had similar problems.

Unlike probably most im playing with keyboard and mouse, not with a controler, which is probably why there are no mods for my problems yet. I would also understand that there are certainly limits to what a game offers to modify and what cannot be altered, but other games are able to have a clear seperation between controller and keyboard controls, so with my yet limited understanding, why shouldnt this game...

Anyway, to the problems at hand, i would love a few changes which i will specify below:

1. While in freeroam aiming the keyblasts works with the mouse, yet rapid fire ki blasts during combat i have to aim using wasd. The same goes for the controls in the map menu (not the world map, the local map), as well as the community board menu. If possible, a mod that would change these controls from wasd to the mouse would be great, in addition, tone down the mouse sensitivity in the free roam ki blast mode, like any shooter knows to at least provide an option for aditional aiming sensitivity during zoomed in aiming.

2. Free roam flying works in a way that controls the direction on the z -  and x -  axis with the  mouse, yet there are separate buttons for ascension and descension. In Dragonball Xenoverse 2 every direction was controlled via the mouse, which overall felt more smooth or less clunky as well as more intuitive.

3.  I would like to have an option to hold fast flight instead of toggle, with a smooth transition to slow flight. There are many moments in which having to stop completly is really annyoing. Also a mid flight roll during fast flight would be awsome, but not necessary as that would probably mean new animations i could imagine.

4. The last thing i would like to ask for is a separation for fast flight and doging _during combat_. The current version makes it that holding dodge will result in fast flight, but it tends to not work as well when you really need it and often to late anyway because of the holding factor. Fast flight during free roam is on a different key anyway, why not in combat as well ?

Anyway I would be most grateful for anyone who has the time and or the same problems as I to make one or mods mods towards solving this Issues.

best regards

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