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Nat 3 Enb question.


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I recently downloaded Nat 3 ENB https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27141 and i'm unsure if the mod is actually working. I'm getting no errors on startup and everything, including the requirements seems to have installed correctly and in the right order, but the lighting is very inconsistent through different weathers. The game looks 'okay' but i just need to clarify if i'm actually having an install issue or if the lighting is that bright to accommodate for the custom weathers provided by the mod. I'll post a few screenshots. Please tell me if this is normal or not. https://imgur.com/a/Pltcbi2   https://imgur.com/a/WK2R4Yz

EDIT: The mod author helped me find out that i was missing exterior lighting mods! I downloaded lux orbis and now everything looks beautiful!

Edited by o0oNullo0o
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