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Cooking Mama garden and kitchen


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a mod has been created that allows you to plant all "exotic" ingredients, yet tomatoes, garlic and apples are in a confusing, divided and ancient situation.
Having a farm with a pantry full of carrots, cavalo, potatoes and leeks doesn't allow you to make a simple soup!
I'm aware that there is definitely a mod that also adds vegetable soup.
But a lightweight, lore friendly mod that gathers all these "fixings" into some sort of unofficial magical kitchen?
In short, just keep it simple...
I have 200 chicken eggs, 150 jugs of milk, 40 butter,
over 9000 bags of flour...
Simply add pancakes (with honey) or juniper muffins?
That is, focus on creating recipes that consume replenishable ingredients.
I'm really a chef and I'm disappointed by the system applied and the enormous work done by some modders which however doesn't lead to results, but modifies the game and the lore too much.

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I agree it'd be cool.

Having said that, and since it's not that way at present... (and fwiw), I can offer a few suggestions for filling out your experience "as is" until such a time when it is covered by one universal cooking/gardening mod. (which I suspect may be quite a ways away)

Afaik, Waterview in Skyrim, Waterview Cyrodil, and Scenic Lodge  player homes add a few recipes and plantable ingredients if I'm not mistaken (also have oven, churn, cutting board, loom, dedicated cheese making, and several other useful gizmos, in addition to the regular tools like spit, alchemy station, enchanting, etc). fwiw, the author has 5 other homes that likely have similar full breadth in workstations, and based on the mods I list above (which I have installed) they likely have as full breadth a kitchen.

Also if you can find it (sadly deleted from nexus a while back), look around for a copy of Better Foods, which, although I can't read a description any more (since it was deleted), provides both more ingredients and (I think) additional recipes.

Mushroom Soups SSE provides.... mushroom soup recipes. (Magic, stamina and health buffs)

And a reasonable companion (imo) for expanding a given location's gardening size is Farm Everywhere Enhanced (has a limited but useful set of culinary plantables), and its tool can be used almost anywhere to generate a plot. No additional recipes, but the ability to expand a garden size beyond its "native" player home's plots can imo/ime be useful. For instance, on one of my player vectors (I have six or seven players) I have one property where I grow 2 rows 16 plants in total of crimson nirn root...very nice for damage potions.




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On 3/29/2024 at 6:51 PM, anjenthedog said:

Sono d'accordo che sarebbe bello.

Detto questo, e visto che al momento non è così... (e fwiw), posso offrire alcuni suggerimenti per compilare la tua esperienza "così com'è" fino a quando non sarà coperta da un mod universale di cucina/giardinaggio. (che sospetto possa essere abbastanza lontano)

Le case dei giocatori di Afaik, Waterview in Skyrim, Waterview Cyrodil e Scenic Lodge aggiungono alcune ricette e ingredienti piantabili se non sbaglio (hanno anche forno, zangola, tagliere, telaio, caseificazione dedicata e molti altri aggeggi utili, oltre ai normali strumenti come spiedo, stazione alchemica, incantesimo, ecc.). fwiw, l'autore ha altre 5 case che probabilmente hanno una larghezza completa simile nelle postazioni di lavoro e, in base alle mod che ho elencato sopra (che ho installato) probabilmente hanno la stessa larghezza di una cucina.

Inoltre, se riesci a trovarlo (purtroppo cancellato da nexus qualche tempo fa), cerca una copia di Better Foods, che, anche se non riesco più a leggere una descrizione (da quando è stata cancellata), fornisce sia più ingredienti che (credo) ricette aggiuntive.

Zuppe di funghi SSE fornisce.... ricette di zuppe di funghi. (Potenziamenti alla magia, alla resistenza e alla salute)

E un compagno ragionevole (imo) per espandere le dimensioni del giardinaggio di un determinato luogo è Farm Everywhere Enhanced (ha un set limitato ma utile di piantabili culinari) e il suo strumento può essere utilizzato quasi ovunque per generare un appezzamento. Non ci sono ricette aggiuntive, ma la possibilità di espandere le dimensioni di un giardino oltre gli appezzamenti della casa del giocatore "nativo" può essere imo/ime utile. Ad esempio, su uno dei miei vettori di giocatori (ho sei o sette giocatori) ho una proprietà in cui coltivo 2 file 16 piante in totale di radice di nirn cremisi... Molto bello per le pozioni di danno.




your interaction made me very horny honeychan >.<, 
what you shared is very useful as there are already several materials that could be used to also create a final version.
The recipes are not very well made, but it is to be appreciated that someone wanted to try!

Pancakes would be fine because they use up regenerable stocks:
flour, milk, butter, eggs, honey + moon sugar (non-producible ingredient)
If anyone ever decides to try their hand at creating the definitive mod, 
please contact me and I will prepare the super balanced combinations for you, 
if you want I will also prepare a skill tree with Balbus's fork as an ultra-easy Daedric object that...
it cooks you on two levels XO


Edited by IlComico
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